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The coast of the province of Tiznitin, in the south of Morocco, has kilometres of white sand beaches and a countless number of settlements of fishermen giving it its eminently rural and unaffected by the human character.
The pressure to urbanize this area is great and the Tiznit Government is conscious of the process of change it is going through, regrettably erratically with little planning, which poses a risk to the maintenance of the surroundings’ physical characteristics. Already there are places, like the Aglou coast, where chaotic buildings have developed in an isolated fashion on the sea front, where it is foreseeable that it will become an extended practice in the next few years.
In the initial approach to the problem, planning was developed in each selected area by the local authorities and represents two of the areas with higher possibilities of impact on the buildings. The objective was to create through town and architectural planning, a basis to lay down standards for developing that are consistent with the natural environment where they are settled.
TECHNICAL DATA: Year 2014. Location: Tiznit Coast, Morocco. Architects: Antonio Corona Bosch, Arsenio Pérez Amaral, Hind Marhfour, David Rojo Pascual. Client: Tiznit Government.